What We Do

What We Do

TranscriptsNow, LLC delivers high quality transcripts within your preferred deadline.

  • Recordings up to 1 hour can be returned within 24 hours (when uploaded between 8 am and 4:30 pm EST, Monday through Friday). If you need a transcript back sooner or over the weekend, we’ll try to accommodate.
  • Longer recordings can usually be delivered back within 48-72 hours.

Type of Transcripts

We transcribe group interviews, phone interviews, conference calls, meetings, lectures, symposia, journalist notes and interviews, ad boards, telesymposia, and Webcasts.


TranscriptsNow, LLC specializes in medical and scientific transcribing for the pharmaceutical, CME, and related industries. Our transcribers are very experienced with medical terminology, and your transcript will be reviewed by an experienced medical writer with a PhD in a science or an MD.


Recordings are uploaded over a secure, password-protected interface, and recordings are discarded once the transcript has been sent. We will gladly sign your confidentiality agreement.